Monday, May 17, 2010

What a GRAND Opening!

Thank you to everyone who helped to make the Grand Opening such an amazing success! We had crowds of customers all day long, many of whom were new to the store, and the excitement and enthusiasm stayed at a high level all day long.

We hit a new sales record for the weekend -- almost $11,500 gross sales! We topped our previous record by noon on Saturday and just kept going from there. Several producers completely sold out of their products, and many shoppers were seen heading home with full bags and baskets.

If you missed the event, you can read more about it -- and enjoy photos from the day -- in board secretary Jennifer McMullen's write-up at The Ethicurean. We hope to have more photos from other people to add to the blog and to the June newsletter, so if you have some you'd like to share, please send them to news [AT] localrootswooster [DOT] com.

Thanks to everyone who helped prepare for the market, who brought wonderful products to sell, who volunteered to help on market day, who shared delicious food samples, who provided music, who entertained children and other customers -- and who came and graced the market with their presence.

Thank YOU! Without YOU, Local Roots would not grow as strong as it has.

This IS what a community can do together!

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