Thursday, October 15, 2009

Why It's Good to Support Your Farmers

In the latest issue of Farming Magazine, Local Roots secretary Jennifer McMullen published an article outlining the history behind Local Roots and explaining the many reasons why the steering committee came together to develop a new year-round farmers' market in the area.

That article caught the eye of Ohio farmer and renowned author, Gene Logsdon (author of books such as The Contrary Farmer and All Flesh Is Grass). Logsdon found himself inspired by steering committee member Jessica Barkheimer's quote that, "No one without land should be without a job." Logsdon's thoughts on the importance of learning how to find sustenance from your land -- and we can support that growing part of our economy -- appear on the web site.

We're pretty tickled! Not only is the word about Local Roots really starting to spread, but we're really at the cusp of a strong grassroots-driven push to return agriculture to its place of importance in local economies -- and to make local communities a little more self-reliant.

As always, we here at Local Roots salute our producer members, current and future. We recognize that you're doing a challenging job, but we appreciate all the effort you give.

And it won't be long before you find our producers' good food at the market!

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